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Jan 22: A People's Green New Deal by Max Ajl

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January 22, Saturday
11am New York | 4pm London | 5pm Tunis 

Friendly guided discussion about A People's Green New Deal. Author Max Ajl will join us for the final half hour to chat with participants.  Published by Pluto Press.

Discussion hosted by Michael Busch

Remember to:

a. Get yourself a copy of the book! (Click here to purchase the book online. The book is also available for FREE download through Pluto Press Open Access program: 

b. Read the book before the meeting! (No one is checking if you've finished the book, but you will get the most out of the club and the chat with the author if you read ahead.)

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About the book

The idea of a Green New Deal was launched into popular consciousness by US Congressperson Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in 2018. It has become a watchword in the current era of global climate crisis. But what - and for whom - is the Green New Deal?

In this concise and urgent book, Max Ajl provides an overview of the various mainstream Green New Deals. Critically engaging with their proponents, ideological underpinnings and limitations, he goes on to sketch out a radical alternative: a 'People's Green New Deal' committed to decommodification, working-class power, anti-imperialism and agro-ecology.

Ajl diagnoses the roots of the current socio-ecological crisis as emerging from a world-system dominated by the logics of capitalism and imperialism. Resolving this crisis, he argues, requires nothing less than an infrastructural and agricultural transformation in the Global North, and the industrial convergence between North and South. As the climate crisis deepens and the literature on the subject grows, A People's Green New Deal contributes a distinctive perspective to the debate.

About the author
Max Ajl is an associated researcher with the Tunisian Observatory for Food Sovereignty and the Environment and a postdoctoral fellow with the Rural Sociology Group at Wageningen University. He has written for Monthly ReviewJacobin and Viewpoint. He has contributed to a number of journals, including the Journal of Peasant StudiesReview of African Political Economy and Globalizations, and is an associate editor at Agrarian South & Journal of Labor and Society.

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